As a child I was that kid who had to color every diamond on the J-for-Jester worksheet a different color, and who compulsively organized my Crayola Big Box by rainbow order and by shade. My first signed work of art, entitled Sandblaster and completed at the ripe old age of three, is framed in all its yellowed construction paper glory and hangs on the wall of my dad’s office to this day. This proves two points: first, that my Dad made way too much shop talk at dinner, and second, that even from a young age I was creating art from any random thing that I saw or imagined. So it should come as no surprise that I ultimately found a career in the arts.
Aside from my obvious and predictable love of paper and design, I will watch or read basically any adaptation of a fairy tale and love music of nearly any kind. I have a fairly epic sweet tooth and a largely toothless Pomeranian who keeps a place of honor under my desk, at least until he decides that I haven’t paid him enough attention and proceeds to drag his bed into the exact spot where I’d normally sit to work.
I also have a borderline obsession with all things sci-fi and fantasy (I entirely blame my dad for getting me hooked on a bootleg VHS of Star Wars when I was in preschool). I will freely and proudly admit to being a total nerd; a master of multitasking, it is not at all unusual to find me munching on my stash of Reese’s and working at my computer while watching Buffy re-runs in the background.
I make no apologies for being the oddly eclectic mix that I am. It never hurts to be true to yourself and a little bit of weird [or a lot] makes life and work more interesting.