OSCIL.org – A Fully Accessible Website
OSCIL.org – A Fully Accessible Website

In order to update and modernize the OSCIL web presence, I first conducted a comprehensive review of all content on the original site, condensed it into a new sitemap optimized for ease of use and scalability, and reconciled the resulting framework against a list of new content and organizational parameters from the OSCIL management team. Based on inspiration source material and examples provided by the client, I designed and developed a new website incorporating a WordPress platform for content management and thorough adherence to WCAG 2.1 standards of accessibility (Level AA). At the client’s request I also incorporated a variety of stock imagery in accordance with the organization’s mission and values, assisted with initial data entry and formatting throughout the site, and facilitated the subcontracting of additional back-end customization beyond my scope of expertise.

Since the Marketing Manager taking responsibility for ongoing upkeep has was only minimally familiar with WordPress, I encoded nearly all aspects of design and layout into the backend of the WordPress theme and an assortment of preformated blocks to allow for seamless adherence to the established design system. I also provided on-site training and a personalized beginner’s guide to WordPress, and continue to provide remote technical assistance by request.

Click here to view the OSCIL website

Client: Ocean State Center for Independent Living

Oct 2021

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